Saturday 17 November 2018

Competition success review monthly magazine free download

Competition success review monthly magazine free download

an article about Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy (HELP)is in CSR magazine  
Competition success reviewmonthly magazine free download The government has approved a new Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy (HELP) which replaced the earlier New Exploration Licencing Policy (NELP). Under the new policy, companies can explore and produce all kinds Competition success reviewmonthly magazine free download of hydrocarbons including shale oil/gas, CBM & gas hydrate, etc. under single licence. Earlier, there were separate policies and licences for different hydrocarbons. This fragmented policy framework led to inefficiencies in exploiting natural resources. For example, while exploring for one type of hydrocarbon, if a different one is found, it needed separate licensing, adding to cost Competitionsuccess review monthly magazine free download

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